Mastering the Model Lifecycle in Laravel A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering the Model Lifecycle in Laravel A Comprehensive Guide

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In Laravel, models are the backbone of the application. They act as a bridge between the database and the application, allowing developers to interact with the database in a more intuitive way. The model lifecycle in Laravel refers to the various stages that a model goes through during its lifetime, from creation to deletion. Understanding the model lifecycle is crucial to building robust and scalable applications in Laravel.

Here are the various stages in the model lifecycle in Laravel:

  1. Creating a Model
  2. Retrieving Models
  3. Updating Models
  4. Deleting Models

Let’s dive deeper into each stage and understand how they work in Laravel.

Creating a Model:

Creating a model in Laravel involves defining a class that extends the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class. The class should also have a table property that specifies the database table associated with the model. Here’s an example:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    protected $table = 'users';

Once the model is defined, you can create a new instance of it and save it to the database using the create method:

     $user = User::create([
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '',

This will create a new record in the users table with the specified data.

Retrieving Models:

Retrieving models in Laravel is easy and can be done using the get method on the model class. Here’s an example:

     $users = User::get();

This will retrieve all the records from the users table and return them as a collection of User objects.

You can also retrieve a single record using the find method:

     $user = User::find(1);

This will retrieve the record with the primary key value of 1 from the users table and return it as a User object.

Updating Models:

Updating models in Laravel involves retrieving a model from the database, updating its properties, and then saving the changes back to the database. Here’s an example:

     $user = User::find(1);
$user->name = 'Jane Doe';

This will retrieve the user with the primary key value of 1, update the name property to ‘Jane Doe’, and save the changes back to the database.

You can also update multiple records at once using the update method:

     User::where('age', '>', 18)->update(['status' => 'active']);

This will update all the records in the users table where the age column is greater than 18 and set their status column to ‘active’.

Deleting Models:

Deleting models in Laravel involves retrieving a model from the database and then calling the delete method on it. Here’s an example:

     $user = User::find(1); $user->delete();

This will retrieve the user with the primary key value of 1 and delete it from the database.

You can also delete multiple records at once using the delete method:

     User::where('age', 'delete();

This will delete all the records in the users table where the age column is less than 18.


Understanding the model lifecycle in Laravel is crucial to building robust and scalable applications. By following the examples above, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete models in your Laravel application with ease.

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