Table of Contents In Laravel, many-to-many relationships are established using an intermediate table that holds foreign keys from the related
Unlocking the Power of Has One of Many Relationship in Laravel Real-Life Examples with Eager Loading
- Muhammad Waqas
- May 15, 2023
- 5:04 am
- No Comments
Table of Contents
In Laravel, the “Has One of Many” relationship is used to define a one-to-many relationship where the child model (the one with the foreign key) only has one parent model. This is commonly used when dealing with models that have a “parent” and “child” relationship, where each child can only have one parent. In this blog, we will explore how to use the Has One of Many relationship in Laravel, and provide three real-life examples of its usage.
The Has One of Many relationship can be defined in Laravel using the “hasOne” method on the child model. For example, if we have a “Post” model and a “Comment” model, where each comment belongs to a post, we can define the relationship like this:
class Post extends Model
public function comment()
return $this->hasOne(Comment::class);
class Comment extends Model
public function post()
return $this->belongsTo(Post::class);
In this example, the “Post” model has a “comment” method that returns a “hasOne” relationship to the “Comment” model. This means that each post can only have one comment associated with it. The “Comment” model has a “post” method that returns a “belongsTo” relationship to the “Post” model, indicating that each comment belongs to a single post.
Let’s now explore three real-life examples of how the Has One of Many relationship can be used in Laravel.
Example 1: User and Profile
In a typical web application, we often have a “User” model and a “Profile” model. Each user can only have one profile associated with it, so we can define the relationship like this:
class User extends Model
public function profile()
return $this->hasOne(Profile::class);
class Profile extends Model
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
We can then eager load the profile for a user like this:
$user = User::with('profile')->find(1);
Example 2: Product and Image
In an e-commerce application, we might have a “Product” model and an “Image” model. Each product can have multiple images, but we only want to display one image as the main image for the product. We can define the relationship like this:
class Product extends Model
public function mainImage()
return $this->hasOne(Image::class)->where('is_main', true);
public function images()
return $this->hasMany(Image::class);
class Image extends Model
public function product()
return $this->belongsTo(Product::class);
In this example, we have added a “mainImage” method to the “Product” model, which returns the image with the “is_main” flag set to true. We can then eager load the main image for a product like this:
$product = Product::with('mainImage')->find(1);
Example 3: Invoice and Payment
In a billing application, we might have an “Invoice” model and a “Payment” model. Each invoice can have multiple payments associated with it, but we only want to display the most recent payment. We can define the relationship like this:
class Invoice extends Model
public function recentPayment()
return $this->hasOne(Payment::class)->latest();
public function payments()
return $this->hasMany(Payment::class);
class Payment extends Model
public function invoice()
return $this->belongsTo(Invoice::class);
In this example, we have added a “recentPayment” method to the “Invoice” model, which returns the most recent payment for the invoice. We can then eager load the recent payment for an invoice like this:
$invoice = Invoice::with('recentPayment')->find(1);
In this blog, we have explored how to use the Has One of Many relationship in Laravel, and provided three real-life examples of its usage. By defining this relationship, we can easily work with models that have a “parent” and “child” relationship, where each child can only have one parent. By using eager loading, we can also improve the performance of our application by reducing the number of queries required to retrieve related data.
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